Making RYTE decisions
Next Step #09 In this issue, I'd like to share an overview of how I make decisions to juggle different areas of my life and get going with all of my to-dos each day.
Did I hear you sulking and feel like everyone else is progressing and keeping up with the new year’s lightning pace? The todos in your notebook seem to be countless by now but it felt like nothing is moving.
The lead at work keeps coming at-cha and offering help, making your negative mind feels like you are not competent for the work. The world falls apart in your lense, everything feels dark and gloomy. Listen to me, it’s just your eyes watering and making your vision blurry. Wipe those tears away, leave that crying corner, take a moment to smell the flowers, and blow the candles. After you are done, grab a cuppa, and let’s have a chat with me today.
I KNOW how you feel. I truly do. Been there. Done that. But I learned my way and my thought process are as follows:
I learned to make the RYTE decision
R for a relationship with yourself and others
First off, I learned to put myself first and make sure my well-being isn’t at stake in any given situation. It isn’t just about my physical health but I learned that it’s important to look harder after my mental health. Before I take up any new requests (both at work and personal), I would ask my impulses and ask myself instead, "Am I doing this for a good reason? Am I agreeing on things that are doing good for my well-being?”
I might put off some work as my motivation went down the drain if I have lack clarity of the “Why” are we doing certain tasks in a project. Most of the time, I realize when I understand the “Why” behind tasks, it enables me to decide priorities much easier. And true enough, the thought of “there’s too much to be done” subsided and organized itself methodically. If you need more learning of understanding you're why to improve your relationship with yourself and others, I recommend you to read “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek.
Y for your values and beliefs
In coaching, we talk a lot about values. It’s a rooted belief of why you like to do certain things in a certain way.
If I am doing something that’s aligned with my values. For example, knowledge is my value. If I am given something new at work and promised it’s for my growth, it would motivate me to do it.
If I am given something that’s not align to my values. Social isn’t it. Solitude is. But as a project lead it is important to know how to brand your work. Socialising isn’t my best traits, that makes it hard for me to influence a certain decision to enable me to move forward.
T for the trade of cash and time
Making the right decision for my pocket is going to let me sleep peacefully at night.
Or perhaps the hours of me in the group chat talking rubbish could be given to do something more useful that’s going to help me closer to my value. Did we realize how much time we spend to complains about discussing ideas and solutions?
E for education
Everyone can learn and be educated. Just because Clifton's strengths don’t capture a certain strength in your top list you are not able to educate yourself to be good at it.
Each time I realize I spend more time complaining and whining than solutioning, I would ask myself this, “What is your trade-off when you rather complain endlessly?”. It drained me when I am dragged in a whining pool too long. Don’t we actually want to make the right decision than dwelling on the problem?
There’s actually more to this topic but I will leave you to unveil them further. Reflect it with yourself.
🧐 Reflections this week
Making decisions is all about deciding to do for the right thing - right for well-being and mental health, right for others, right for values, right for money and time, and right for growth.
I made a tough decision on deciding on wedding stuff. I have applied RYTE decision and that has put my fiance and I at ease. It might be an event of a lifetime. However, it is not the last day to live but a new beginning instead.
Leading multiple projects (ie. at work and a wedding) isn’t easy but it is all within the RYTE radar for you to decide what will be the first priority.
I realized if it’s not cold lemon water, my body slowly wake up with a nice hot caffeinated green tea and a relaxing yoga move
✏️Quote of the week
“There are three areas in which the person who would be wise and good must be trained. The first has to do with desires and aversions—that a person may never miss the mark in desires nor fall into what repels them. The second has to do with impulses to act and not to act—and more broadly, with duty—that a person may act deliberately for good reasons and not carelessly. The third has to do with freedom from deception and composure and the whole area of judgment, the assent our mind gives to its perceptions. Of these areas, the chief and most urgent is the first which has to do with the passions, for strong emotions arise only when we fail in our desires and aversions.”
😍 My favorite things this week
My perfect wedding arch by Love Soraya who offers good customer service and a generous with the price!
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Found a second-hand book store, The Sleepy Cat Bookshop. This bookshop is a home-based business and I find that the titles and editions they sell are hard to find generally. It should be arriving this coming week!
I always love watching Christy Anne Jones's videos on Youtube. This week she shared how she managed her writing project while cooking at home!
I found Wordle and have been enjoying this word game this week! It’s a word game where you have 6 chances to guess a word every day. It’s a web-based game. My fiancé‘s dad is playing this too. Check it out!
Hit 33 days streak on my Duolingo! Join me
🐾 What will be the next step after this week
Continue to train me by asking 3 important questions daily to keep me doing the RYTE decision both at work and personal.
Learn to show my empathy while learning to socialize with others (ie. stakeholders at work, people in my personal life)
Thanks for having this chat with me today. My friend, before you go, remember that no what ever you are sulking about right, just remember that “Everything is workable!”
❤️x, Wawa.